Micro-phenomenological analysis training
Objectives of the training
1) Mastering the micro-phenomenological analysis, a method enabling the researcher to identify, from a corpus of micro-phenomenological descriptions, the temporal structure and the different dimensions of the type of experience under study.
2) Learning how to design a process of data collection and analysis which is adapted to the type of experience and to the research objective.
Program of the training
Preparing the data
Transcribing the recordings and selecting the statements that correspond to the procedural description of the experience.
Specific diachronic analysis
Resequencing the description, delineating and representing the diachronic structure of the experience.
Specific synchronic analysis
Delineating and representing the synchronic structures of the experience.
Generic analysis
Identifying possible generic diachronic and synchronic structures.
Keeping track of the analysis process
Organizing the different analysis steps in a sequential manner and keeping tracks of the main dilemmas and criteria to solve them on the different steps of the analysis.
Assessing the reliability of analysis results
Evaluating the reliability of the analysis results according to the different steps of the analysis procedure.
The course is intended for researchers who have already attended the micro-phenomenological interview training course.
Claire Petitmengin, after studies in Buddhist philosophy and then ten years of consulting and research in information systems design, completed her PhD thesis under the direction of Francisco Varela at the Ecole Polytechnique in Paris, on the subject of the lived experience which accompanies the emergence of an intuition. She is currently Professor Emerita at the Institut Mines-Télécom and member of the Archives Husserl (Ecole Normale Supérieure) in Paris. Her research focuses on the usually unrecognized micro-dynamics of lived experience and micro-phenomenological methods enabling us to become aware of it and describe it. She studies the epistemological conditions of these methods, their educational, therapeutic, artistic and contemplative applications, and the philosophical consequences of these empirical investigations.
Camila Valenzuela Moguillansky, researcher at the Laboratorio de Fenomenología Corporal in Chile, PhD in Cognitive Sciences at the Pierre et Marie Curie University in Paris, Master of Cognitive Sciences at the Ecole des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) in Paris and BA in Biology The University of Chile. She completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the Institute of Complex Systems of Valparaiso (ISCV) on the relationship between body awareness and pain in people with fibromyalgia. Camila is also a dancer and Ashtanga yoga teacher. Its scope of interest are the mechanisms underlying body awareness and the development of methodologies for the study of experience considering a dialogue between neuroscience, phenomenology and different artistic languages.