Micro-phenomenological self-interview and analysis
This training is an in-depth training course, intended for participants who have already followed the micro-phenomenological interview and analysis trainings.
Objective of the training
Refine your skills in leading micro-phenomenological interviews and their analysis, by applying the techniques to the description and analysis of your own experiences.
Content of the training
In a self-interview, there is no interviewer to help you reorient your attention from the satellite dimensions towards the experience, to guide you into the evocation state, and to draw your attention towards the different dimensions of your experience through questions. You have to guide yourself to do all these acts. The training is therefore devoted to learning how to:
choose an invoked experience or design a provoked experience to be explored through a self-interview;
guide yourself in the evocation process, by mobilizing your concrete memory;
guide yourself in becoming aware of the temporal unfolding of the experience and describing its micro-dynamics;
guide yourself in describing finely the sensory, cognitive, attentional and/or emotional dimensions of an instant of experience;
refine your questioning skills by testing on yourself the perlocutionary effects of questions;
use non-verbal means for describing experience, and use them to refine verbal description;
manage the interview contract with yourself throughout the self-interview;
assess the level of accuracy and the reliability of your self-descriptions;
highlight the diachronic and synchronic structures of a self-described experience.
The training gives you the opportunity of experiencing the iterative structure of micro-phenomenological research:
do successive interviews on the same experience at different time intervals;
use the structures highlighted in one experience to refine your descriptions in subsequent self-interviews.
Self-interview and analysis techniques are applied to the description of various experiences, as well as to the very experience of evoking and describing these experiences.
Claire Petitmengin, after studies in Buddhist philosophy and then ten years of consulting and research in information systems design, completed her PhD thesis under the direction of Francisco Varela at the Ecole Polytechnique in Paris, on the subject of the lived experience which accompanies the emergence of an intuition. She is currently Professor Emerita at the Institut Mines-Télécom and member of the Archives Husserl (Ecole Normale Supérieure) in Paris. Her research focuses on the usually unrecognized micro-dynamics of lived experience and micro-phenomenological methods enabling us to become aware of it and describe it. She studies the epistemological conditions of these methods, their educational, therapeutic, artistic and contemplative applications, and the philosophical consequences of these empirical investigations.