Micro-phenomenology of nature
Led by
Claire Petitmengin (Archives Husserl, ENS Paris)
Claire Petitmengin <cp@clairepetitmengin.fr>
Ongoing (2020–)
This study explores the hypothesis that our way of life and the ecological disaster it is bringing about originates in our blindness to what is nevertheless closest to us: our own lived experience, and notably its “felt” dimension, where the separation that we usually think we perceive between “inner” and “outer” spaces becomes permeable and even vanishes.
Petitmengin, C. (2021). Anchoring in lived experience as an act of resistance. Constructivist Foundations, 16(2), 172-181. https://constructivist.info/16/2/172
Photo by: Wynn Bullock
Investigating the Experience of Connection to Nature
How can our lived experience contribute to renewing our relationship with ourselves, with others and with the world in a more caring and respectful way? How does our bodily experience contribute to a form of knowledge that brings us closer to what is alive in us and around us?
Our project aims at exploring and documenting the experience of connection/disconnection with nature (trees, fields, wind, rain, stones, animals, ...) and other people, based on micro-phenomenological interviews. We will accompany people to describe their experience of one or more moments in which they felt that the degree of their connection with nature varied (increase or decrease).
ExCoNat aims at contributing to the fields of eco-psychology - understanding how people manage to regain contact with their own experience and how the experience of the unity of "human beings" and "nature" emerge – and educational sciences – broadening our conceptions of knowledge and knowing and understanding how contemplative pedagogies allow (or not) the relation between inter- being and our inner being.

Led by
Magali Ollagnier-Beldame (CNRS)
Véronique Servais (Université de Liège)
Pietro Varrasso (Conservatoire Royal de Liège)
Magali Ollagnier-Beldame <magali.ollagnier-
Véronique Servais <v.servais@ulg.ac.be>
​Pépinière interdisciplinaire « Laboratoire de
L’Education », UMS CNRS 3773
Ongoing (2021–)

Led by
Zoe Latham
Professor Robert Brown
Zoe Latham <zoe.latham@plymouth.ac.uk>
Ongoing (2018–2022)
This research argues for a re-conceptualisation and extension of place and landscape within architectural praxis, reflecting an understanding of landscape as a spatialisation of cultural imaginings and their capacity to engender identity and belonging. The intent of the research and of this talk is not to redefine landscape as such, but rather better understand phenomena that inform a greater connectivity between cognitive and bodily experience and the environment in turn drawing upon this insight to expand architectural discourse with an anthropologic and phenomenological sense of place.
Casting a line to place
Embodied rituals, cultural landscapes and their potential to (re)connect
Phenomenology of Human Self-organization for Collective Common Good
Led by
Litzuli Zarate M.A - Lead researcher (Universidad Autonoma de Queretaro)
Gabina Villagran PhD - Director (Unviersidad Autonoma de Mexico)
Patricia Perez - Co-Director (Universidad Autonoma de Queretaro)
Litzuli Zarate <litzuli.zarate@gmail.com>
Gabina Villagran <villagran.gabina@gmail.com>
​CONACYT scholarship (Mexican National Council of Science and Technology)
Ongoing (Jan 2021–Dec 2024)
Context: According to the UN, the 80% of biodiversity is on indigenas hands. In México, 50% of the land is indigenas and mestizos’ common land. Most of them, are part of the 60% of Mexican population living in poverty conditions mostly concentrated on the countryside, where development projects have been implemented since the 70s, producing scares economic benefits but important negative impacts on the ecological and social spheres. With a highly corrupted government and rising inequality conditions, the pertinence of self-organized projects increases which benefit all spheres: social, cultural, ecological and economic.
Problem: Evidence appealing to human selfishness, suggests a low possibility of success for the self-organization human capacity for the common good. Even though, there are a few groups that have succeeded. The unknown is “how” they do it. Having multi-diversity of variables, there are one element this kind of groups shares, that we state as, they “see their future together”. Apparently, this statement could reveal a notion of interdependence which acts as a trigger for the individual to move toward self-organizing for the common good. Additionally, it seems that there is a process by which this experience is collectivized.
Method: (on going) In order to observe phenomenologically this hypothesis that happens on the experience lived by the individuals of the groups “seeing their future together”, we appeal to micro-phenomenology approach through interviewing them, first collectively and then selected individuals.
By understanding this individual and collective experiences perhaps it will serve as insightful knowledge to accompanying other groups struggling to succeed for the common good.
Keywords: self-organization, common good, interdependence, lived experience, micro-phenomenology